Certified Energy Procurement Specialist (CEPS)

The Certified Energy Procurement Specialist (CEPS) program is a highly esteemed certification tailored for professionals aiming to advance their expertise in the field of energy procurement and management. In a world where energy sustainability and efficiency are paramount, the effective procurement of energy resources is crucial for organizations looking to optimize their operational costs and environmental impact. The CEPS program equips participants with comprehensive knowledge and skills to excel in this dynamic and ever-evolving field, covering a wide range of topics related to energy procurement, negotiation, and sustainable energy practices.

Energy procurement involves a multifaceted approach to sourcing and managing energy resources efficiently. The CEPS program delves into the complexities of energy markets, procurement strategies, and sustainable energy practices, providing participants with the tools and insights needed to navigate the intricacies of energy procurement, supply chain management, and environmental stewardship.

Certification Program Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the Certified Energy Procurement Specialist (CEPS) program, participants will gain the ability to:

  • Understand Energy Procurement Fundamentals: Develop a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts, methodologies, and principles that underpin energy procurement, including energy markets, pricing strategies, and procurement techniques.
  • Master Sustainable Energy Practices: Learn effective strategies for incorporating sustainability into energy procurement, including renewable energy sourcing, energy efficiency measures, and carbon footprint reduction.
  • Negotiate Energy Contracts: Gain expertise in negotiating energy contracts, managing supplier relationships, and optimizing energy procurement agreements to benefit organizations.
  • Ensure Compliance and Risk Management: Acquire the knowledge and skills to navigate regulatory frameworks, manage energy-related risks, and ensure compliance with energy procurement regulations and standards.
  • Analyze Energy Data: Explore the role of data analytics in energy procurement, leveraging data-driven insights to make informed decisions and optimize energy procurement strategies.
  • Promote Energy Efficiency: Develop an understanding of energy conservation and efficiency measures, driving initiatives to reduce energy consumption and environmental impact within organizations.

Certification Requirements:

  • Bachelor’s Degree


  • 2 – 5 years of relevant work experience

Certifying Examination:

  • To be certified as CEPS, student should take up a 1.5 hours online exam conducted by AIEM.
  • The qualifying exam would consist of 50 multiple choice questions, testing core certification modules.
  • Professionals with relevant experience and other qualifying criteria may be exempted from the examination.

Certification Modules:

  • Module 1: Energy Procurement Fundamentals
  • Module 2: Sustainable Energy Practices
  • Module 3: Energy Contract Negotiation
  • Module 4: Compliance and Risk Management in Energy Procurement
  • Module 5: Energy Market Analysis
  • Module 6: Energy Procurement Strategies

Please note that the modules of the certification are subject to periodic updates and changes.

Who Should Do This Certification:

The Certified Energy Procurement Specialist (CEPS) certification is well-suited for a diverse range of professionals and individuals who are involved in energy procurement and management. This certification is particularly beneficial for:

  • Energy Managers and Directors: Professionals responsible for managing energy procurement strategies within organizations, overseeing energy budgets, and ensuring efficient energy utilization.
  • Sustainability and Environmental Managers: Specialists focused on sustainability initiatives, renewable energy adoption, and environmental compliance, seeking to optimize energy procurement strategies aligned with environmental goals.
  • Procurement and Supply Chain Professionals: Individuals involved in procurement and sourcing processes who aim to enhance their knowledge of energy procurement practices and make informed decisions regarding energy suppliers.
  • Facility Managers and Engineers: Professionals responsible for maintaining and optimizing the energy efficiency of buildings and facilities, interested in improving energy procurement strategies.
  • Energy Consultants: Consultants providing advisory services to organizations, helping them navigate energy procurement challenges, reduce costs, and adopt sustainable energy solutions.
  • Utility Managers and Energy Providers: Professionals working for utility companies or energy providers looking to gain insights into the needs and expectations of energy consumers and businesses.
  • Renewable Energy Developers and Investors: Individuals involved in the renewable energy sector, including developers, investors, and project managers, seeking to understand energy procurement from the buyer’s perspective.
  • Energy Analysts and Data Scientists: Specialists focused on energy data analysis, energy market trends, and data-driven decision-making in energy procurement.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Experts: Professionals responsible for ensuring energy procurement practices comply with regulatory requirements and standards, including energy market regulations and environmental regulations.
  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Consultants: Experts dedicated to helping organizations reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint, interested in integrating energy procurement strategies with sustainability goals.

This certification is open to anyone interested in improving their knowledge and expertise in energy procurement, whether they are early-career professionals looking to establish a foundation in the field or seasoned experts seeking to enhance their skills. CEPS equips individuals with the necessary tools and insights to make informed decisions, navigate complex energy markets, and contribute to sustainable and cost-effective energy procurement practices within their organizations or as consultants.

In summary, the Certified Energy Procurement Specialist (CEPS) certification offers a valuable learning opportunity for professionals across various industries, all with the goal of optimizing energy procurement strategies, reducing costs, and contributing to a more sustainable energy future.