Registration Process of AIBM and its Allied institutions

1. Visit the AIBM website (

2. Navigate to the “Registration and Membership” section.

3. Registration Form:
     – Click on the “Register Now” button.
     – Fill out the registration form with the following details:
     – Full Name (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name)
     – Gender
     – Date of Birth
     – Nationality
     – Passport/ID Number
     – Email Address
     – Confirm Email Address
     – Contact Number (Mobile/Phone)
     – Mailing Address (Street Address, City, State/Province/Region, ZIP/Postal Code, Country)
     – Preferred Username
     – Password
     – Confirm Password

4. Certification Program Selection:
     – Choose the desired certification program:
     – Certified AIBM Professional Program
     – Executive Education Programs
     – Specialized Workshops and Seminars
     – Research Fellowships
     – Select the preferred program start date (if applicable).

5. Education and Professional Background:
     – Highest Level of Education Completed
     – Field of Study/Specialization
     – Current Job Title
     – Current Employer
     – Years of Work Experience
     – Industry Sector
     – Professional Certifications (if any)

6. Terms and Conditions:
     – Review the terms and conditions.
     – Check the box to agree.

7. Submission:
     – Click on the “Submit” button.

8. Confirmation Email:
     – After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to proceed further.

9. Payment:
     – Pay the examination fees of $330 using the provided payment options (credit/debit card, PayPal, bank transfer, etc.).
     – If applicable, pay the registration fee for the chosen program.

10. Student Membership:
     – Upon successful payment, all registered students become student members of AIBM.
     – A student membership number is generated and sent to the registered email address.

11. Access to Learning Portal:
     – After payment confirmation, you will receive login credentials to access the AIBM learning portal.

12. Orientation and Welcome Kit:
     – You will receive an orientation package and welcome kit via email, providing you with detailed information about your chosen program, schedule, resources, and support services.

13. Program Enrollment:
     – Enroll in your chosen program through the learning portal.

14. Access to Resources:
     – Gain access to study materials, lectures, assignments, and other program resources through the learning portal.

15. Progress Tracking:
     – Track your progress, grades, and upcoming assignments through your personalized dashboard on the learning portal.

This comprehensive registration process ensures that participants have a smooth and efficient experience when registering for AIBM’s professional certification programs.

Membership Process at AIBM:

Student Membership:

1. Registration and Payment:
     – Upon successful registration for a certification program on the AIBM website and payment of the examination fees ($330), all students automatically become student members of AIBM.

2. Membership Confirmation:
     – Once payment is processed, the student receives an email confirmation of their membership.
     – The email includes the student’s membership number and details on accessing their member benefits.

3. Access to Learning Portal:
     – Students gain access to the AIBM learning portal using their login credentials provided in the confirmation email.
     – They can access study materials, lectures, assignments, and other program resources through the learning portal.

4. Orientation and Welcome Kit:
     – A welcome kit is provided, offering detailed information about the chosen program, schedule, resources, and support services.
     – An orientation session may be conducted to familiarize students with the learning portal, program structure, and available support services.

5. Program Enrollment:
     – Students enroll in their chosen program through the learning portal.

6. Access to Resources:
     – Students can access study materials, lectures, assignments, and other program resources through the learning portal.

7. Progress Tracking:
     – Students can track their progress, grades, and upcoming assignments through their personalized dashboard on the learning portal.

Associate Membership:

1. Qualifying Professional Exam:
     – Upon completion of the certification program, students are eligible to take the qualifying professional exam.

2. Exam Completion:
     – Upon passing the qualifying professional exam, students become eligible for associate membership of AIBM.

3. Membership Upgrade:
     – The institute updates the member’s status from student to associate member in their database.

4. Membership Confirmation:
     – The associate member receives confirmation of their new status via email.
     – The email includes details of their associate membership and access to additional member benefits.

Fellow Membership:

1. Eligibility:
     – Associate members who hold professional certification and have completed a minimum of 5 years of relevant work experience are eligible to apply for Fellow Membership.

2. Application Submission:
     – The member submits an application for Fellow Membership through the AIBM website.

3. Application Review:
     – The institute reviews the application and verifies the member’s eligibility.

4. Membership Fee Payment:
     – The member pays the required fee of US $100 for Fellow Membership.

5. Membership Confirmation:
     – Upon approval of the application and payment, the member is certified as a Fellow Member of AIBM.

6. Membership Number Assignment:
     – The Fellow Member receives confirmation of their new status and their distinct Fellow Member number via email.

This detailed membership process ensures a seamless transition for students from registration to becoming certified professionals and advancing through the membership levels at AIBM. It also ensures that members have access to the appropriate resources, support, and benefits at each stage of their professional development.