Examination & Certification

AIFB, AIPLM, AIHHM, AIIT, AIREM, AIDM, AIEM, AIEHSM, AIIM, AICM, AIDSAI and AIPC are examination, testing, and professional certification bodies.

Certifying Examination:

  • To be certified in any professional certification, students should take up a 1.5 hours exam at the designated examination centres.
  • The student may also have an option of taking online exam. They would receive the username and the password and has to attempt the exam on the scheduled date.  The qualifying exam would consist of 50 multiple choice questions, testing core certification modules.
  • Professionals with relevant experience and other qualifying criteria may be exempted from the examination, which may be substituted by practical/project-based assessment.
  • For C-Level certification, candidate may be required to make 30 minutes preparation incorporating certification modules, followed by questions by panelists.

All certifying exams are conducted by the American Institute of Business & Management.

Examination & Certification Fees

The examination and certification fees of each program of AIBM, AIFB, AIPLM, AIHHM, AIIT, AIREM, AIDM, AIEM, AIEHSM, AIIM, AICM, AIDSAI and AIPC are US $1330. The fee can be also paid directly to the affiliated centres.