
All Certifications offered by AIBM and its allied institutions are independent certifications of the institutions. AIBM does not claim any affiliations or accreditations from any governmental or non-governmental accrediting body. These certifications are professional certifications and are not equivalent to university diplomas.

The awarding of these certifications is based on the candidate’s previous relevant qualifications, professional experience in the respective field, and the successful completion of required training and examination.

Please note the following:

  1. No Guarantee of Employment: Possession of an AIBM certification does not guarantee employment or career advancement. Employers may have their own criteria and requirements for hiring or promotion.
  2. Non-Transferable Credits: Credits or certification obtained through AIBM may not be transferable to other institutions or recognized by certain academic or professional bodies.
  3. Continuous Learning: Certification holders are encouraged to engage in continuous professional development and stay updated with the latest trends and advancements in their respective fields.
  4. Validity and Renewal: Certifications may have a validity period and may require renewal or further professional development to maintain their active status.
  5. Independent Study: Candidates are responsible for their own study and preparation. AIBM provides resources and guidance, but the onus of learning and understanding the certification material lies with the candidate.
  6. Local Regulations: Certification recognition may vary based on local regulations and standards. Candidates should ensure that AIBM certifications meet the requirements of their local or national authorities if applicable.
  7. Due Diligence: Candidates are responsible for conducting their own due diligence to ensure that the certifications meet their personal and professional needs. AIBM and its allied institutions assume no responsibility for the candidate’s failure to investigate the suitability of the certification for their intended purpose.
  8. Third-Party Recognition: AIBM does not guarantee that its certifications will be recognized by any third-party organizations, including but not limited to employers, licensing boards, or other educational institutions.
  9. Non-Accreditation Statement: AIBM certifications are not accredited by any formal education body. They are intended to demonstrate professional knowledge and competence in specific fields, as assessed by AIBM’s standards.
  10. Disclaimer of Liability: AIBM and its allied institutions are not liable for any loss or damage, whether direct or indirect, that may arise from reliance on the certifications provided or from any misunderstanding of the nature and scope of these certifications.