
The first level is Student Member, for those who are studying for an AIBM/AIFB/AIPLM qualification.

The second level is Associate Member. This is for those who have passed their professional examinations and awarded the certification. Associate Members can use the letters *AMAIBM /**AMAIFB/***AMAIPLM *after their name to demonstrate their level of attainment.

• Associate Member of American Institute of Business & Management*
• Associate Member of American Institute of Finance & Banking**
• Associate Member of American Institute of Purchasing & Logistics Management***

The highest level of membership is Fellow. To become a Fellow, a further five years of post qualification professional experience are required, plus a clear commitment to AIBM/AIFB/AIPLM. The minimum age for a Fellow is 30 and our Council considers each application with a fees of USD 330. Fellows are allowed to use the letters FMAIBM*/FMAIFM**/FMAIPLM*** after their name to show their level of achievement.

• Fellow Member of American Institute of Business & Management*
• Fellow Member of American Institute of Finance & Banking**
• Fellow Member of American Institute of Purchasing & Logistics Management***
Fines, Suspension or Revocation of Membership

1. A student member looses his membership if he is found using unfair means during the qualifying examination. Depending on the nature of offence, it could be from a period ranging from 1 to 3 years.

2. The institutes would fine, suspend or revoke the membership of an Associate or Fellow member in the event of professional misconduct. The Associate and Fellow members are expected to maintain highest professional and ethical standards of the Institute. The period of suspension would depend upon severity of offence. The revocation of membership could be permanent.

Any person or organization can file a written complaint against an Associate or a Fellow member, which would be investigated by the investigation committee. The decision of the investigation committee is final.  However the Institute gives the member an opportunity of being heard and defend himself.